Friday, November 25, 2011

Buy Nothing Day (aka the Festivus version of Black Friday)

I'm not sure how many of you may have watched Seinfeld back in the day, but even though it's a little before my time I love watching random episodes that replay on TV - one of them being the one about how George Castanza and his family celebrated a made-up holiday around Christmastime called Festivus. George's father hated the commercialism involved with Christmas so he created this holiday that involved having an unadorned pole, called the Festivus pole, and participating in other rituals such as the "Airing of Grievances" (telling other family members how much they've disappointed you the whole year) and the "Feats of Strength" (someone wrestling the head of the house). Now of course with Jerry, Elaine, Kramer, and George's boss all invited to celebrate Festivus at George's house, hilarity and chaos ensues. So when I heard about "Occupy Black Friday" or "Buy Nothing Day" it reminded me a little bit of Festivus, though a bit less ridiculous of course. Buy Nothing Day is basically the anti-Black Friday day, and its goal is to "wean ourselves off of mega corporations, put our money back into the local independent economy, and live for a different kind of future." Now it might be a little late to post this seeing as Black Friday is going to be over in T-minus 2 hours, but this article from shows how next year, maybe instead of spending our time fighting the crowds just to find halfway decent deals (and thus in a way supporting commercialism), we could think about doing some other activity such as watching movies with our family or decorating the christmas tree. Seems like a pretty sustainable idea to me (and a lot better than celebrating Festivus)... 

P.S. Don't forget to be sustainable with your Thanksgiving leftovers by remaking them into some other delicious meal!

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