Friday, November 11, 2011

Roadkill... A Viable Option?

Growing up around my Uncle Allen, I was used to the idea of stopping on the side of the road when you saw an injured or possibly dead animal. If the animal was just injured then Uncle Allen would either take it home and nurse it back to health or drop it off at a veterinary center. But if the animal was dead - and looked like it had been killed fairly recently then he would a lot of the time take it home and roast it up. Mmm. Free food - what could be better? An article from NPR believes the same - as long as you know your roadkill. They say you should know how to "check the blood, hair, and eyes of the animal for signs to make sure the meat is safe to eat". Experts say that in reality roadkill is just as likely as hunted animals to be susceptible to foodborne illnesses. Just be sure you know your animals - and be careful of road traffic! Though there may not be an obvious connection to sustainability here, if you think about it, it's pretty sustainable to eat something that would otherwise just take forever to decompose on the side of the road. Plus it makes people not have to shop for as much meat when they go to the store.

Also, just so you guys know, UT students have recently started a new program called "Fruved". Their goal is to get students to do small things every day to help themselves eat healthier and become more physically active. Sounds pretty cool to me.
Check it out!

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